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Special – 10% OFF Extended S-Lift Procedure

10% OFF the S-Lifts during the months of February & March when your surgery is scheduled no later than 6-30-24. Deposit must be paid by 3-31-24.

This special is only offered once per year!

Call Today to Schedule a Consultation! 

Naturally improve sagging jowls and neckline with minimal recovery time.


Over time, the process of aging will bring about unwanted changes in the appearance and texture of the skin; it loosens and sags due to a loss of both volume and skin /muscle elasticity. This loss can create the appearance of jowls or “turkey neck.” Facelift surgery is designed to tighten, smooth and refresh the lower face and neck, leaving you with a smoother and more defined jaw and neck line.

Advanced face-lifting techniques used by our surgeon leads to a natural and long lasting result. Dr. Fausett may also recommend additional procedures that would enhance the result of a facelift such as injectables, and medical skin care. Part of the surgery fee includes discounts on injectables, laser and spa services.  Our professional, caring team is here for you every step of the way.  We desire to help you achieve your aesthetic goals from start to finish in a safe way feeling naturally enhanced and rejuvenated.

Surgery is performed at the Aesthetic Surgery Center of Eugene. Incisions are made within the hairline (or along the hair margin) above the ear, extending down around the lobe and ending in or below the hairline behind the ear. The subcutaneous layers and neck muscles are tightened, fat is removed, the facial skin is re-draped and lifted, and the excess skin is removed. The patient goes home with head and neck dressings, which are usually removed in 2 days. Minimal discomfort is easily controlled with oral pain medication. Sutures are removed within 8 days. Bruising and swelling decrease to “socially acceptable” levels in about a week. The final results of a facelift procedure are evident in 4 to 6 weeks or sooner, with continued improvement for several months. This procedure is a restorative surgery, and does not change your fundamental appearance and cannot stop the aging process.

Individual results may vary

How is a facelift operation performed?

This is an operation that is custom designed for you, and depending on your specific needs, it may combine other facial rejuvenating procedures. The facelift involves incisions in the sideburn region of the hairline and right along the junction of the face and ear. Depending on your needs, it may be necessary to extend the incisions behind the ear somewhat in order to remove excess skin of a full neck. The major focus of facial lift surgery is the lifting or repositioning of the deeper layers of facial tissue that have become loose and the excision of redundant skin.

How has the facelift evolved over time?

Formerly, the facelift was just a tightening of the skin without any tightening of the deeper layers of the face. This resulted in the face being supported by the tightened skin only. As skin can continue to stretch, the results did not last very long. In the early 1970’s, a newer facelift operation was developed where the deeper layers of the face, SMAS/Platysma, was tightened in addition to the skin. Our doctor uses a newer technique that was developed by Belgian colleagues known as the MACS lift (minimal access cranial suspension facelift). This innovative approach to facial rejuvenation uses loops of suture to re-suspend facial structures that have sagged downward with aging. It does not require deep-layer dissection like the SMAS lift and has excellent long-term outcomes.  Dr. Fausett was fellowship trained in Oculofacial Plastic Surgery for two years under Dr. Jeffery Nerad (world renown Oculofacial Plastic Surgeon and former President of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.)  He has also attended facelift courses at the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon Seminar and has been mentored by Dr. John Hunts previous owner, partner of Aesthetic Surgical Arts.   

Where are the facelift incisions located?

A facelift begins with carefully placed incisions. The incision starts at the sideburn, just above the ear and continues downward along the inside margin of the ear, which makes it well hidden. For some patients, the incision stops here which is a limited or short scar facelift. For others, it continues around the ear lobe, behind the ear and into the hairline. The incision in the front of the ear is planned to fall into the ear so that it will be least visible. Advancements in closing incisions have further improved the results with meticulous attention to stitches.

How painful is the facelift operation?

For most patients, this is an operation performed under twilight anesthesia. Most patients report that there is actually very little pain or discomfort after a facelift. A mild type of pain medicine is needed after the surgery.

Can I just have a "neck lift"?

In order to best define your neck line, a lower facelift is needed. It is not possible to just tighten the neck without tightening the jowls and cheek region. Localized fat deposits cause the blunting of the neck line and create a double chin or “turkey gobbler” appearance to the neck. These can be removed at the time of the facelift with liposuction.

What is the recovery time from a facelift?

The recovery from a facelift is usually fairly rapid. Each patient recovers differently. Bandages are usually removed on the day following your surgery. We suggest taking one to two weeks out of the public eye. Swelling and bruising usually resolves within one or two weeks. Patients report sensations of tightness and tingling and numbness around the ears for up to one month after surgery. Your maximum result from the facelift occurs within three to six months after surgery.

How long do the results last? Can I have a second facelift?
The facelift is an effective operation to rejuvenate your face; however, time and gravity still exist and the clock of aging still continues to tick away. After the facelift, you will appear younger than if you had not had the surgery. In time, as aging continues some individuals believe it’s time for a second face lift. The facelift lasts in most cases five to ten years.
When in a person’s life is best to have a facelift?

Your need for a facelift are usually determined by the rate at which you age. Your aging process is largely influenced by your genetic traits received from your parents. If you notice in yourself a discrepancy between your outer appearance and your inner self in terms of how you feel because of lax facial skin and downward sagging of facial structures, a facelift might be beneficial to improve these signs of aging.

Can older patients have a facelift?

Patients over the age of 70 can have a facelift operation. Often times the result is quite dramatic when there are large amounts of lax skin to be tightened. Most importantly, you need to be in good health without heart or high blood pressure problems. A pre-operative complete physical examination by your personal physician is necessary.

What are the risks to the facelift and neck lift?

In all forms of surgery, there are risks of bleeding, scarring, infection, or nerve damage. Small amounts of blood may collect under the skin and need to be removed. It is important that your caregiver stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. Good healing usually occurs without problems when people are healthy, maintain a healthy diet and give themselves adequate time to recuperate. Damage to facial nerves is very rare and generally self-correcting. Additional revisions of the facelift scars are infrequent. It is important that you understand the risks of the facelift operation. These will be discussed with you at your consultation with Dr. Fausett. Our team will be here every step of the way to help you achieve your aesthetic goals in a natural, caring, safe and professional manner. 

What else is done to rejuvenate my face?

Eyelid tightening, or Blepharoplasty, Fat Transfer, CO2 Resurfacing or Liposuction can be performed at the same time of your facelift operation to improve looseness in the eyelid skin and to reposition fat bags. After your surgery, additional fine-tuning of your result may be accomplished with the use of medical skin care, tissue fillers to define the lip lines, Botox to improve wrinkles in the crows feet and between the eyes. Light-based treatments may also be added to improve sun damage skin. The combination of facial rejuvenation surgery and cosmetic medicine by our doctors and their staff can produce a “wow” factor for patients seeking facial rejuvenation.

Should I have a facelift?

That is a question only you can answer. At the time of your consultation, ask questions and explain to Dr. Fausett your expectations. We’ll work together to make the decision that is right for you.

Aesthetic Surgical Arts